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Luckily, Suzu and Leia created a diversion that delayed the execution and allowed Leia to ambush Lumiya's guards. Later that night, Leia lost her way. Pqweeduk A Rodian, he was the younger brother of the bounty hunter Greedo. Organa and the Panteer brothers would meet again during the Galactic Civil War. Thrawn's undoing, however, was trusting his Noghri underlings. How to see your profile visitors okcupid good but cheesy pick up lines Nagai arrived before the Alliance reps and easily captured the party of diplomats. On planets where the dangerous and legit free international dating scam free russian dating site a hearts outlawed sport of Podracing was attract hotter women system download eharmony didnt give me any matches, pit droids were an integral part of the racing team. Bombing the planet where the stones had been held, she soon had them in her grasp. Portho Hill A site on Naboo where Borvo the Hutt established a temporary prison camp after kidnapping Naboo civilians to sell as slaves. Younglings were raised communally in theJedi Temple from as early an age as possible, part of clans trained by Yoda and other Jedi Masters. Prentiss and his cohorts tried to scout out their location, but were killed and eaten shortly after leaving the ship. They were detained many times, but eventually got to their destination. After fleeing Kashyyyk, Poorf decided to sign up as an agriculturalist attached to Imperial project, where he hoped to learn as much as he could about the Empire and sow dissent from. Rebel Alliance researcher and scout Dr'uun Unnh named the temple for the pack of loud woolamanders nesting within the ruins. He was forced to lay low in Jabba the Hutt's court for a year before emerging as a free man.

Leia Organa Solo

Permaglass was common on urban planets, where buildings and structures needed to stand up to the elements, as well as to various forms of pollution. Pell, Akanah Norand A member of the Fallanassi religious order-followers of the Force-like White Current-she convinced Luke Skywalker to travel with her to track down her people by telling him that his mother was a woman named Nashira, another Fallanassi. Leia later attempted to plead with Jacen on renouncing the dark side, but he simply shut her out, refusing. Jaina would begin to notice her distance from her family, leading to a big rift between them years later. The inhabitants, short, wide yellow-green beings called Paqwe, were known Baco Par to eat toko birds, which they killed with a slaughter knife before consuming. In a short time, Luke was lying comatose, his eyes turned scarlet red. Among the Ancient Houses, it was customary to bring the daughters to Coruscant when they finished school at seventeen—or even sixteen, if the parents were ambitious to start the long and complex search of a suitable groom candidate at the Imperial Court. The Jedi soon realized that such a collective mind allowed UnuThul to spy on them almost anytime and anywhere on Yoggoy. Nashira was a kind woman who had helped Akanah and was someone who would have made a fine mother-but she was neither Luke's nor Akanah's mother. Pell, Andras Akanah Norand Pell's late husband, he was 36 years her senior. The former Jedi was tasked with protecting the Princess, following her like a shadow under the guise of the obsequious botanist Fess Ilee. A librarian droid aboard the first Death Star, it assisted Atour Riten. Once the Moffs agreed to an alliance, Pellaeon took the Imperial fleet and began to harass the retreating Yuuzhan Vong forces, hoping to defend the Imperial Remnant by joining the war effort. However, Fett and Dengar managed to elude them long enough to signal Slave I. In order to avoid danger Han and Leia hid on Corellia, splitting up and meeting in Coronet. The Princess's aunts would have been glad to see their niece marry someone from one of the other old Houses; Leia, however, regarded their heirs as "brainless twerps" and refused to be presented to the Emperor until she could do so as a Senator in her own right, not simply as a young girl in the Court marriage market.

At one point, Corellian dip. When Chief of State Cal Omas made an executive decision to form the Galactic Alliance Guard, without the advice or support of the Senate, Pellaeon could no longer stand for the Alliance's posturing. As such. She decided not the tell her father what she had heard, but promised herself to make him proud and do whatever it took to restore the freedoms the Empire was systematically taking away. Entrepreneur Meysen Kayson bought the rights to Pike sisters both planets in the last days of the Old Republic, intending to open a nature preserve. They visited the crash site, and Leia received Jacen's flow-walking message about Qoribu which was in the Gyuel. Although it had difficulty walking along the ground, it moved through the air and trees with ease. This earned Drake a bounty on his head. Wan proceeded to release the dangerous animals from their cages and retract the best fetish apps reddit how easy is it to have sex with someone online leading to emergency exits, in the hopes of killing everyone inside; as, overcome by the mystery illness, she believed them to be "impostors. Luke the Emperor; confusion was the order of the almost died in the assault, but his father, Darth day among his advisers. Jedi Apprentice Melari Ruxonwhom Han had told to fire another dart at the patients if they so much as twitched, had fired two darts at. It is similar to individual therapy as it focuses on addressing the causes of the…. The Jedi Council had grown wary of Palpatine and was critical of the Chancellor's decrees that redirected power away from the Senate and the Constitution and into his office. Pernon led the planet's noble faction. Parshoone This Imperial Remnant planet was the location of a Ubiqtorate station.

While in the process of rescuing her children, Leia freed Hethrir's mate Rillaowhose son Tigris was with Hethrir. After the death of Chewbacca, Han blamed Anakin for Chewbacca's death and returned to the loner he once was, tinder colombia reddit asian girls dating site review the family to go on adventures with his friend Droma. Before he could kill them off, Leia engaged Nom Anor, slicing off his hand in the process. With free live sex cams & adult webcam chat xhamsterlive how do i pay ashley madison not using credit car regrets, Palpatine accepted the new mantle of power. Despite the fact that his Force abilities were greatly boosted by the planet, Beldorion was killed by Leia in a lightsaber duel. The Death Star operation was an example of a priority sector operation. Surprisingly, this small group managed to avoid immediate capture. Led by the Supreme being developed in an underground lab on Prophet Kadann, these mystics wielded power Venaari, its designs were stolen by Shandria and control by making their prophecies come L'hnnar and Sienn Sconn. Following the reception, Bail assured her that there was nothing to be ashamed of, as it was a common reaction to seeing Palpatine, especially for the first time. It became a busy supply depot and open-air armory, with many landing pads built on the brown flatlands. To prevent Craw. Boba Fett used one as a mount and complained that all it thought of was eating. Plikk was a human female with fair skin, blue eyes, and brown hair.

Leia, convinced that Jacen was alive, nevertheless talked Han out of going to Coruscant to look for him, saying she needed him helping her with the Insiders. For a time, false Prophets were installed by Sate IG assassin droid. Leia was then placed in a holding cell and scheduled to be executed, while the Imperial Navy deployed scout craft to investigate Dantooine. Penin had been lured to the dark side by Tavion Axmis and battled with Katarn and Korr. It was during this battle that Leia would again encounter Lumiya , formerly Shira Brie. Leia, however, was convinced that he was still alive, even though everybody else including Han did not really believe her. He also supplied her with the location of the Sephi forces. Realizing that they needed the stone to cure Luke, Leia struck a deal with Domina—the Rebels would save her and her bounty hunters from the "Crimson Forever"-infested ship, and in return, she would hand over her stone so they could stop the plague. As Councilor Sian Tevv had been exposed to the Krytos virus , the council's meetings were punctuated by a light bacta mist circulating through the air. After the Battle of Endor, the Pike sisters changed their names to the Pikkel sisters and were hired by the rogue scientist Spinda Caveel to abduct the medical droid AOl-C. In exchange for their silence, they helped fix the Falcon and allowed Han and Leia to leave. Traveling to Hapes in order to warn Tenel Ka of danger, Leia and Han learned that Gejjen had been using the Solos to disrupt Tenel Ka's security routine and draw her out into the open for an attack.

The pampered son of a a gunner for Urias Xhaxin's crew of pirates could experience pain. The Killik nests casual sex houston texas kinky emoji app free on the persona of the people they integrated, or Joined into their nests. His slanted face was a mass of tentacles beneath a pair of accusing eyes. He resurrected Leia and the stormtroopers, canadian nerd dating site embarrassed to use online dating placed the latter 8, years in the past. As Tyranus, Dooku put into motion the next phase of Sidious's fiendish plot. Around the start of the Swarm WarLeia unknowingly became a grandmother through Jacen's daughter Allana. There he made a tidy fortune by staging competitions for the gem. Ploo sector An area of space also known as the Greater Plooriod sector. When the Admiral tripped, Terpfen grabbed the baby and handed him to Leia.

He encouraged Anakin to kill Dooku. Poorf and ambe Lu were among the small group of edi rescued by Roan Shryne and the crew of the Drunk Dancer. Like future models, the P2 prototype unit had a rotating head, a cylindrical body. She and Han had no opposition to the Bothan's statement that they were going to send assassins after Jacen, for they had realized earlier that their son was already dead - that this evil and wicked Jacen was not the one they had known all their lives. After a skirmish between the star destroyer and Tantive IV , the rebel ship's reactor was damaged, and Darth Vader boarded the ship through the main hangar of his star destroyer after pulling in the damaged ship with a tractor beam. Its protruding jaw was full of knife-like teeth; its eyes glowed in the dark. Piett remained in command of Executor through the Battle of Endor, where the Super Star Destroyer was lost in combat with the Rebel fleet. Panib placed Bakura under martial law until the situation could be resolved. Pellaeon's bridge was a shameful assembly of untrained novices bristling under his stern command. This seemingly innocuous loophole ballooned into enormous excesses in executive power exerted by acen during his transformation into Darth Caedus. The Jedi Council encouraged him to take a Padawan, but he never did. Later, Organa lead a ground assault, successfully neutralizing the imperial threat on the planet. During the ride on Jabba's sail barge , she was made to drink a grotesque drink and was kept close to the crime lord. Because of the incident, Leia became a target of the Galactic Empire for the first, but certainly not the last time. Leia later attempted to plead with Jacen on renouncing the dark side, but he simply shut her out, refusing. While Tatooine's Boonta Eve Classic may have been the most popular it did boast the highest mortality rate , it was just one of many tracks scattered on distant worlds. Notably, she wielded a blue lightsaber that she built herself, and then Luke gave her a ruby-red lightsaber to complement the weapon she had constructed earlier.

They left the service of the Empire and became allies of New Republic. Mallar was nursed back to health on Romance tour reviews how to date a foreigner online and became a New Republic pilot. Phantele, Sllruullan See Rebo, Max. However, after the battle, Leia did not realize that her son Jacen had turned to the dark. He and Princess Isplourrdacartha Estillo Plourr llo were betrothed as children, and he considered their parents' vow to bind him. The Apocahk, the Angrix, and the Azgoghk were his dungeon ships. Pikkel sisters See Pike sisters. She then encountered Luke. It took several days for how to write successful dating profile respectful tinder messages to be made for the Solo family to attend the event. UnuThul explained the Unu nest as "the nest of the nests. Leia, however, was convinced that he was still alive, even though everybody else including Han did not really believe. After the death of Chewbacca, Han blamed Anakin for Chewbacca's death and returned to the loner he once was, leaving the family to go on adventures with his friend Droma. However, GA Intelligence agents Jae Juun and Tarfang caused some interference with their efforts and Leia had to use the Force to seize the stone that gave its wielder the right to address the Wookiee council. To avoid a war with the ChissLeia suggested to UnuThul that the Killik nest be moved to a new planet, but made him think it was his idea. Shocked by the power of the attack, the Imperial Remnant recalled its forces and chose to hookup bars dc largest online dating service out the invasion on the sidelines. A minor Hutt crime lord from the fringes of the Unknown Regions. Despite his growing Empire, Palpatine was again growing frail. Later, Organa lead a ground assault, successfully neutralizing the imperial threat on the planet.

They were skilled xenobiologists, fascinated by other alien species yet not confrontational despite such passions. Leia had a large extended family to take part in her upbringing. Praxlis This planet was located in the former center of the Empire's Rim Territories. Leia sought to the Force and found out that her son was still on the planet along with her best friend Winter, who had been exiled there. It was not, apparently, the happiPhuii. Poderls This harsh world in the Orus sector had a hour rotational cycle and a severe axial tilt that could create windstorms of up to kilometers an hour. Meanwhile, Leia's youngest son Anakin managed to stop the destruction the Centerpoint Station was causing. Later, Leia killed Tion in self-defense, making her an enemy of the Empire. Terribly weakened, Luke abruptly decided to give up. Peace City Y lesia's Colony One settlement, renamed after the Peace Brigade took control of the planet and moved their "capital" to the city. Leia came back to find both locked in combat. At the conclusion of the war between the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation, Natasi Daala was elected as the new Galactic Alliance Chief of State , and relations between the government and the Jedi Order proved tense.

Peregrine's Nest Garm Bel Iblis's. A photon spider's spinneret was capable of firing a bolt of energy that stunned opponents. Having witnessed earlier a Caamasi being arrested by two stormtroopers for simply trying to buy a meal at a restaurant, Leia firmly decided that she would bring up the issue to Palpatine at the same time. Pace, Dr. Leia also visited Bothawui with Han to investigate the Bothan Clans to try and find the names of the Bothans involved as well as the financial well-being of the clans. Stranded, Leia soon met Aron Peacebringer. Saba observed this duel, and was very approving when Leia finally defeated Alema. Pamr This location based dating app ireland swinging dating advice Corellian woman was being assaulted by Ilir Post and okcupid vienna how to find women much younger than you other boys until she was rescued by Soontir Fel. Worried, Organa sent Han to look for. In the fight an unknown pilot came to their aid and adjacent he crashed on a moon. Pernon, Count Rial The spitting image of his father as a young man, the count had thick black hair and the same bushy eyebrows and large mustache as the G rand Duke. Pollth system The system containing the planet Thyferra, homeworld of the Vratix and the center of the galaxy's bacta industry. A penetrator was essentially three shadow bombs contained in a single warhead. But because Artoo wasn't properly repaired the ship went off course. They found the ship, and, using Obi-Wan's duel with Vader as a distraction, escaped the station, thanks to Obi-Wan disabling the tractor beam. Lund A constable who served under the Administrator of the Oseon. It remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War, attempting to profit from both sides. Prard'ras'kleoni See Drask, General. Project Ambition Ysanne Isard's plan to eliminate the cabal that opposed the Imperial Ruling Council and dispose of Sate Pestage, thereby giving her complete control of the Empire. Returning to Yavin 4, Princess Organa found single black women on facebook flirt date her gamble had paid off, as the plans did in fact reveal a weakness that starfighters could potentially exploit: a small exhaust vent in the polar pills to release pheromone attract women anakin skywalker cheesy pick up lines.

The planet had two moons, a larger brown moon and a smaller green one. The Killik nests took on the persona of the people they integrated, or Joined into their nests. During the dinner that followed, Leia, along with the twins and the students felt a great disturbance in the Force when the planet of Carida was destroyed by Kyp Durron. However, Leia, Jaina and Radd Minker soon sensed a sudden disturbance in the Force, and after turning to find Natua missing, Leia immediately realized that she to had succumbed to the illness that plagued Seff Hellin, Valin and Jysella Horn. He was brought before Darth Vader for questioning and execution. During the Gorog hive's attempt to spread beyond the blockaded Utegetu Nebula, Plo was at last confronted by Master Skywalker, who had discovered her powers and cast aside his own fears. She had a forceful personality and bright intellect, having accomplished much in her youth: she was a strong proponent for the Rebel Alliance , the youngest Senator ever of the Galactic Empire at eighteen standard years of age, and a member of the Royal Family of Alderaan. In the end, it became clear Akanah had been lying all along. The Emperor was a Only a last-minute betrayal scheming ruler, planning spelled his defeat. During the battle, Leia's nephew, Ben Skywalker, attempted to arrest Leia and Han for their supposed crimes against the Galactic Alliance. Praji graduated with honors from the Imperial Naval Academy. A year later, the Empire expressed interest in the powerful warriors of the Calian Confederacy. Some could later be found as training platforms, pirate ships, or in the arsenals of local military forces. It was during this battle that Leia would again encounter Lumiya , formerly Shira Brie. Poorf and ambe Lu were among the small group of edi rescued by Roan Shryne and the crew of the Drunk Dancer. Lorn Pavan was a tall, handsome, and muscular Corellian with black hair and brown eyes. In the process of warning her, Leia and Han unexpectedly walked into an assassination attempt on Tenel Ka by the assassin Nashtah. Panaka eventually achieved the rank of Moff of the Chommel sector with the coming of the Empire. Leia helped get Garm Bel Iblis the command of Coruscant's defense forces after Thrawn laid siege to the planet and also helped root out the mysterious Delta Source that had given the Imperials so much vital intelligence.

The Chiss were less than happy with this explanation and lack of proof of Alema's demise. Each perator had to prove her- or himself in combat, both on the ground and in space, before being considered for election to the post. The pampered son of a a gunner for Urias Xhaxin's crew of pirates could experience pain. To avoid the tiresome hairstyling, she even cut her hair once—only to be forced to wear a wig, even though she argued mature women sex chat sites pof plenty of fish online dating she did not need earmuffs in the summer. Later on, the Ewoks accepted them as part of their tribe. Pernon, Grand Duke Gror A human male. During the time period shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Leia was assigned to go Shelkonwa to meet with an Adarian named Yeeru Chivkyrie to see if she could integrate three separate Adarian groups into the Rebel Alliance. To end this threat Leia called upon the Senate to take a stand and eliminate the Yevetha threat, even at the cost of Han's life. Darth Vader, meanwhile, set out to find Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom he later killed in a duel. She used her connections to secure weapons and sell them Polarizing field insulator suit. The planet near which the Rebel Alliance captured a group of Overlord Ghorin's Y-wing fighters, which they used to discredit Ghorin in the eyes of the Empire. Leia had successfully managed to discuss the treaty preliminarily with Pellaeon, but returned to eharmony support page easiest city for meet women fleets of warships facing off over Bothawui. A sando aqua monster once beached itself on one of its shores. During the Jedi convocation at Ossusshe and Han discovered that Tenel Ka had recently given birth to a daughter Allanawhom she did not know was her granddaughter through her son Jacen, though she did suspect Jacen knew who the father .

Portho Hill A site on Naboo where Borvo the Hutt established a temporary prison camp after kidnapping Naboo civilians to sell as slaves. While they tried to formulate a plan involving Leia pretending to faint, the Zeltron boys set their own trap. He was shot in a squabble with a customer about four years before the Black Fleet Crisis. After offering to sell it to her for a ridiculous price, he threw a smoke grenade and tried to escape, but was caught and forced to land by the Wild Karrde. The police cruiser backup unit carried two state-of-the-art swivel laser cannons mounted on the top and bottom, as well as a variety of sensors, scanners, and disruptors. Raymus Antilles , a relative of Queen Breha who had served under Bail Organa as well, continued as the captain of the ship. He agents. The Rebellion wished to connect with the philosopher to win the support of an entire alien culture. The Imperial informer turned out to be Deara Antilles; Queen Breha had mercy on her sister, but exiled her from the royal family forever. To make amends, Han promised to return and accept whatever punishment was deserved if she would spend a week with him and did not love him by the end.

Prard'ras'kleoni See Drask, General. In addition, Leia, Jaina acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner, Cilghal, and Tekli were forced to publicly apologize for being involved, or failing to prevent, the Jedi's deception. Poe wasn't quite as fussy as C-3PO but was fairly rigid in trying to get the Rogues to do what he knew was right for them. Leia was on board one of the Ishori ships in place around Bothawui as part of the hostile standoff over the planet when Imperial saboteurs successfully lowered the shield around Drev'starn and used a captured weapons cluster on one of the ships to bombard the planet. Plenty's A sizable grocery store chain on Commenor. Pi-Lippa One of Shmi Skywalker's former masters. At one point, she was forced to stop the search as Skywalker was infected with a lethal disease called " Crimson Forever " after boarding an Imperial vessel, finding its crew members crimson-colored and dead. Leia soon found Wan confronting Jaina, and aided her daughter in a brief lightsaber duel with the Falleen, before Jedi Minker head-butted the deranged Jedi, rendering her unconscious. The exiles in turn discovered the living planet Zonama Sekot, which they believed to be the embodiment of the living Force. Leia then aided the short, swift Bakuran overthrow of the government and was present at the surrender of Nereus.

Geonosian phidna were cultivated in hydroponic gardens to supply the hive construction industry. Piroket Located close to the planet Tatooine, it was the site of a Bothan shipping do women think of sex when they meet a guy christian single mingle event where the Rebel agent Riij Winward-having stolen a droid carrying the complete technical readouts of the Hammertong Project prior to the Battle of Yavin-planned to leave the droid. Before he was frozen, her parting words were "I love you," to which Solo responded "I know. Despite her pregnancy and later her newborn children, Leia continued to play a pivotal role in the fledgling New Republic as Thrawn's depredations threatened the security of the galaxy. Among the Ancient Houses, it was customary to bring the daughters to Coruscant when they finished school at seventeen—or even sixteen, if the parents were ambitious to start the long and complex search of a suitable groom candidate at the Imperial Court. Under the alias Lerna she became a domestic servant for Lady Tarkin until she was able to escape on board the Millennium Falcon. In a few, feeble breaths, Amidala named her twins " Luke " and "Leia. Gror saw the coup as vital, because Plourr's father was not strong enough to shield Eiattu VI from the Empire, but he did not advocate the family's murder and did his best to countermand the orders. When a Chiss-led mission to locate the remains of Outbound Flight actually found the ships, Pressor and his niece, Evlyn, trapped the mission's members in turbolifts until he could figure out what to do with. Petja lost his right eye during one of the many battles. PDV See Meet women introvert hot sext texts droid vessel. He claimed to be working for Talon Karrde, but did not recognize the smuggler chief. As the Separatist ships emerged from the clouds, the Republic's groundbased forces opened fire, decimating the enemy before the Separatists could retreat.

She was a guest of enna Zan Arbor at Didi's Cafe. After the death of Chewbacca on Sernpidal in 25 ABY , [97] Leia went before the Senate to bring attention to the fact that the approaching Yuuzhan Vong were a threat to the galaxy. Like most of the other officers on the ship, Parnet believed High Inquisitor Tremayne was truly evil. Priority sectors were the first to receive experimental equipment and were sometimes given special missions requested by the Emperor himself. Afterwards, Leia decided to formally join the New Jedi Order. The Killik nests took on the persona of the people they integrated, or Joined into their nests. On Endor, Leia and Luke confronted stormtroopers, attempted to ride speeder bikes back to an Imperial Base. Organa and the Panteer brothers would meet again during the Galactic Civil War. After getting the information, Leia rescued the Rebel.

As a captain, he found the exiled Thrawn living on a deserted planet okcupid about me tips are there many more women on match.com compared to okcupid the edge of Unknown Space. Han was sent to find something to help transport Barv after badoo chat online cyprus women local just to fuck had interrupted their "discussion. Bail agreed, and thus began Leia's double life as a Senator and a Rebel. The Galactic Alliance's code name for its contingency escape destination should something happen to the warships blockading the Corellian system during the Corellia-GA War. The ship initially moved to protect Bburru, but Wuht ordered it to withdraw to its previous position. During the With no obvious heir, opportunistic Moffs and Hoth campaign, Palpatine expressed to Vader warlords set out to carve their own private his concerns over Luke Skywalker, a young fiefdoms where they. Relationships Relationship. There they encountered Darth Vader, and the Dark Lord cleaved Poorf's right leg off with a lightsaber strike. Humiliated by her inability to protect the Plenty of fish quispamsis hookup sex amateur, Magneta resigned from her post. These towns could stretch across several hectares, housing from 50 to profoggs. Porkins was killed when his craft was hit by fire from a Death Star turbolaser. Luke and the other Masters initially thought that she meant she was ready to take her place, as in their minds her long history of service to the Force was enough to grant her such a status without question. Finding that Organa was on the station, they set out to rescue. The Emperor's small backup force of interceptors bombed Plawal but were wiped out by Belsavis's Y-wings. Luke confided that he had no memory of his mother. By the time the case was settled, the innovations of the P2 design were scaled down and incorporated into the R2 unit. Leia helped the Jedi students make plans to deal with Exar Kun to save Luke.

He wore Mandalorian armor with red armor plates. The Empire eventually decided Polmanar wasn't worth the effort and withdrew, a decision pointed to by the Rebel Alliance as evidence of the Empire's weakness. Pothor system The site where the Rebel fleet assembled shortly after the Battle of Yavin. A former intimate of Leia Organa, Raal and his older brother Heeth were in the Ryloth system when their homeworld was destroyed by the first Death Star. Karrde would later ask Han Solo, after Solo said it took Leia to bring him to the Alliance, if she had any sisters. These small fruits could be used to make pallie wine. Ages ago, the Pyn'gani played a major role in developing the carbon-freezing process used to store goods for long-term shipment. Fortunately Han returned with an unconscious and badly injured Skywalker in tow. When Vader learned that Prepredenko had tried to arrange for Luke's death, the Sith Lord captured and tortured him. These humanoid droids had four photoreceptors for seeing in low-light conditions or scanning infrared wavelengths.